Why was the Biola Center established?
The Biola Center was co-founded by the IASCC and Biola University as the first ministry of IASCC. As such, the Center will promote the ‘Three-in-One’ strategy, i.e. shortening the academic supply chain between research centers, seminaries, and churches, with the aim of enhancing the mission and pastoral work of the churches. In addition, Biola University and its Talbot School of Theology are renowned in the fields of apologetics, philosophy, Trinitarian theology and spiritual formation, and the Center will make full use of these resources to benefit the development of Chinese churches.
Research project of the Biola Center: “aim at absolute perfection”
Over the next two to three years, the Center will study Christianity and the supreme good, or the purpose of life. The concept of the supreme good is explored in the writings of Aristotle, Kant and Confucianism; the Christian supreme good points to union with God and the flourishing life it produces. Prosperity goes beyond mere happiness because it is about the growth of the new life into greater Christlike excellence. As such, it encompasses the cultivation of virtues, holistic excellence, community well-being and wisdom training, and is therefore compatible with the traditional Chinese view of life. Research on this theme also needs to focus on several major challenges, such as atheistic and secularist views of happiness, and the problem of suffering. In addition, the theme has several strategic features: • Apologetics and Missional: A flourishing life dialogue between Christianity and other worldviews promotes the evangelical ministry of the church. • Integrative:Prosperous Life is a fast-growing interdisciplinary field and helps to promote intercultural dialogue. • Situational: This theme promotes dialogue between theology and Chinese philosophy, especially Confucianism, which focuses on the good life and virtues. • Communitarian: Research on this topic not only generates new ideas, but also leads to the church's community works such as discipleship, evangelisation and cultural mission. In conducting this research, the Center will collaborate with other universities in Europe and Asia.
What are the ministries at the Biola Center?
The Biola Center welcomes Chinese churches and Christian organisations as partners, and the services provided by the Centre include: • Provide speakers and teaching materials for the training and missionary work of the church. • Promote exchanges between scholars and pastors, and provide ‘learning stations’ for pastors and preachers. • Collaborate with a seminary or institution to record a degree or certificate programme for supply. To this end, the Centre will produce academic books in their popular versions, as well as teaching materials for theological education, church training and missions, and regularly publish accessible and quality articles. In addition, the Centre and its partners will carry out radio and multimedia ministries, create engaging social media content, and organise online learning events for intellectuals (e.g. book clubs, TED talks, etc.). We sincerely welcome you to become a partner of the Centre and to work with us in terms of resources, support and dedication, and to be of one heart and one mind for the gospel, Chinese theology and the flourishing of the Chinese church! For further information about IASCC and the Biola Center, please contact: Dr. Leonard Dai(yongfu.meiling@gmail.com)